The Handbook of Vascular Biology Techniques, edited by Mark Slevin and Garry McDowell, and published by Springer, contains detailed descriptions of a variety of techniques and methods in both basic and advanced vascular biology. Methodologies range from in-vitro cell culture to in-vivo manipulations, through cell signalling proteomics and genomics to patient imaging. The book contains a number of novel, state-of-the-art methodologies. Each chapter is fully inclusive, containing sections on trouble shooting and additional notes and links ensuring the reader has sufficient information to execute the protocol without additional requirements.

The contents list can be found below:

Contents List

An example of a typical chapter (‘Endothelial Cell Tube Formation on Basement Membrane to Study Cancer Neoangiogenesis’) can also be found below:

HBVBT – Example Chapter

Handbook of Vascular Biology Techniques.

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